Friday, September 23, 2011


Hello readers!! I am sorry I have not posted (not that many actually read this shit) but life has gotten in the way once again! not much has happened since my last post. No big 9/11 terrorist attack went down despite the rumors, although on the CIA facebook page  >>>click for CIA FB page<<<  there are "terrorists" who keep posting graphic images all over it. At first, I will admit, it did scare me a little.... now it's just annoying as hell.

Brian news: .......... He's home :) He decided to leave his trucking job for CR England because they were screwing him on pay and they wouldn't allow him to come home for his reserve stuff. He is currently looking for a new job but with all the schools his reserve unit wants to send him to for the next few months we may have to wait and see. He is still wanting to go back active duty so we'll see what will happen.


We are both currently on rabbit food diet lol lots of fruits, veggies, light meats and water water water. we've also began to take herbalife and started circuit training workouts.

HOLY HELL!! They are VERY intense workouts! We are hoping to see some results soon although we just started so it may take awhile.

Other than that we are doin alright just livin life day by day and praying for things to work out as they are meant to be! I hope you are all doing well and are smiling in life :)

Tonight's Jam: cause this song makes me cheery and smile
